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Are E Cigarette Controversies really worthy?

Almost every day, I heard news about e cigarettes and the related controversies. We all know that e cigarette industry is gaining huge popularity among the smokers from past few years. I am also a great fan of e cigarettes and can’t understand why many people are opposing it as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes. E cigarette ban, hike in taxes and also the promotional strategies adopted by e cig brands are nowadays under the controversies. Being a user of e cigarettes, I am not saying that e cigarettes are completely safe and there is no requirement to regulate vapor cigarettes but I just want to say that it is good to regulate e cigarettes but in a certain limits.

I am permanent customer of Green Smoke from past few years and till now I had never faced any safety related issues while using it like battery explosion etc.  Therefore in my opinion, banning e cigarette brands completely is not a right decision proposed by the lawmakers. But yes, banning e cigarette among minors or school campus is no doubt a good decision taken by the government of different US states. I am in favor of e cigarette bans among minors but I am not supporting the complete ban on e cigarettes.

There are many best electronic cigarette brands available in the market that gives best puffing experience by keeping in mind all the rules that was implemented by the US government previously. Green Smoke, the best e cigarette brand, only gives online option for purchasing and this thing make Green Smoke e cigarette away from the reach of minors. There are many other brands available in the market that always tries to give their best without affect the people’s life negatively. For me Green Smoke is the best electronic cigarettes brand.