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E Cigs Marketer Should Avoid Poor Marketing Strategy


I heard news that says that many e cigarette brands adopting marketing strategy and ads that attracts teens toward e cigarette consumption. Being a concern citizen and a customer of best electronic cigarettes brand, I am not in favor of those brands that are using this type of cheep strategy only to gain high profit margin. This type of news show that people especially businessman become too miser and self conscious and want to gain profit at any cost without thinking about the society and future generation. Same situation goes with cigarette industry.

We all know that addiction of anything is not good for people and still after knowing this fact, many e cigarette brands promote their products in an appealing manner top the youth. Some brands are appealing youth by advertising their products attractively along with the presence of celebrities. I know the fact that these ads increase the curiosity among the minors about e cigarettes and finally they are forced to try them at least once. There are some highest rated electronic cigarette brands that never adopt this type of poor marketing strategy to encourage teens for vaping.

Many parents in my society are opposing these types of ads by saying that it’s not good to adopt such promotional strategy that insists youth and teens toward e cigarette consumption. In my opinion it’s good to restrict those brands completely which are adopting this type of strategy that insist teens toward using the e cigarette products. We all know that there are many best e cigarettes brands that offer only online purchasing option to the customers so that no minors can purchase it. V2 cigs, White Cloud, Green Smoke, and South Beach Smoke are such brands that are using online sales option to make the minors away from e cigarette consumption.