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A push for ban on Electronic Cigarettes to Minors!!



Electronic cigarettes, also known as vapor cigarettes deliver products that give a pleasing experience similar to that of conventional cigarettes. This device is the perfect way to enhance your smoking sensation or delectation for your quench to taste. But as per health authorities, these are designed to deliver nicotine or other substances to a user in the form of a vapor. Effects of smoking are still unknown and therefore a slew of restrictions have been set to buy e cigarettes. Different states have been banning the sale of smokeless cigarettes to people under the age of 18. This section of people known as minors is banned from purchasing electronic cigarettes. E cigarettes are accepted to be for adults only but hence there is no pint selling to minors.

Minors have started smoking or vaping e cigarettes without knowledge of their parents. It's essential to make sure that kids/teenagers understand the health consequence of tobacco use. ‘Smoking’ is the leading cause of deaths in the United States that cause cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. Giving information about the risks associated with smoking should be clear to kids as well as parents so that they can guide them. There are some smoking facts for kids and should be known that helps them to construct their ways to a better life.

E cigarette reviews reveal that users generally consider electronic cigarettes as a recreational substitute as it delivers great taste. Typically, electric cigarettes consist of replaceable cartridges that deliver nicotine or other chemicals, and an atomizer that converts the cartridge into vapors on puffing, so the FDA and the health officials have considered ban on e cigs. There would be no e cigarette for sale for minors as they believe that minors should not adopt this behavior of smoking at such an early age despite manufacturers claiming to offer the best e cigarette of all.