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What’s there between Controversies and Electronic Cigarette?

There always had been a debate regarding the use of electronic cigarette from the day it entered the market. You can say that controversies and electronic cigarette goes hand in hand.  They are always an issue of debate among people. Ever since the existence of e cigarette in the United States market it has been facing controversies. The most recent one being the increases in the percentage of teenager’s vaping e cigs it had almost doubled from the last year. As per one of the study, vapor cigarettes usage among middle and high school students has increased over the last year.

According to a leading e cigarette reviews website, this increase in the number of minor vaping smokeless cigarettes had increased the concern of the lawmakers. As a result of which they are now planning to call FDA to take some serious action regarding these battery operated device. What I think this simply means that the current steps that are laid down are not safeguarding the rights of the minors. From where, children are getting them? It cannot be online as one need a debit or a credit card to make a purchase and we all know that no bank in the world provides debit or credit card to a minor. So, are e cig retailers the one to doubt!!! I guess the retailers are the real culprit for it.

Minor can easily buy electronic cigarette from the nearby stores as some of the shopkeepers don’t even ask for the id to conform the age. If the state government enforces tight laws against the buying and selling of these electric cigarettes then certainly we can safe guard the rights of children. We cannot blame the FDA or the e cigarette manufacturer for it. Almost every best e cigarette brands does its best to safe exposure of water vapor cigarettes to minors. I think citizens and parents should be more careful in order to stop the teenagers using it.