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Is vaping same as Smoking?




Ordinances, Regulations, Classification: - These terms have become very familiar for electronic cigarette users who know the difference between vaping and smoking but there are few ardent people who consider it the same product and want to put not strict but strictest regulations on it.

Though, both are called cigarettes and they share their last names but there is a difference between these two. Knowing the ingredients of tobacco cigarette is next to impossible and here electronic cigarette wins. This is the major drawback of tobacco cigarettes while one can always check the ingredients used in electric cigarette and in exact per cent. Even one can customize electronic cigarette with specific flavors and nicotine strengths.

Tobacco cigarettes generally restrict its users with very few choices and its users are bound to inhale what the manufacturers want. But this is not the case with electronic cigarettes. One can always choose the high nicotine strength as well as low nicotine strength as per needs and requirements.

And there are many features of electronic cigarette which distinguishes it regular cigarettes with superior features. Like, electronic cigarettes offer an array of flavors such as tobacco, sweet and mint. Customers are free to customize their electronic cigarette with the choice of their flavors. There is also different nicotine strengths offered by electronic cigarettes. If you are a heavy smoker, you can choose for bold nicotine strength. Also, one can cut the consumption of nicotine if needed with electronic cigarette by choosing low nicotine strengths. Even one can choose zero nicotine level also. And best e cigs provide enhanced vaping experience.

Moreover, electronic cigarette produce vapor while real cigarettes produce smoke which smells and disturbs surroundings. And there are risks of passive smoking with tobacco cigarettes. But electronic cigarettes are free from these worries. It produces vapor which contains no smell along with it, eliminating any risk of passive smoking and disturbing the surrounding.